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One of the most accurate emulator

E5150: Projets

An educational program emulating the IBM PC 5150 for all the enthusiasts willing to go back to the computer world of the 80s. Whether it is to understand the inner workings of a computer, to play the games of your childhood, or for the niche of developers writing an operating system; with this project I am providing one of the most accurate emulators available on the market. The documentation for each element of the IBM PC 5150 has been carefully studyied to provide clock cycle accurate emulation!


As the project is still under development, not all features are implemented yet


This software is a huge piece of engineering. Particular attention was paid to the correctness and completeness of the emulation. A lot of technical documentation was studied to create the most accurate functioning possible. The parallel parts of the processor are emulated, providing one of the most accurate feelings of this old machine currently available. All this not only allows a program originally designed for the real PC to run as is, but also at roughly the same speed and in the same environment, with the same limitations.


I too was in the situation of wishing to write an operating system but lacking real-time feedback of what happened on the hardware when I configured it (as a pre-debug step). There are plenty of very good emulators out there on the internet, but I wanted something that tells me exactly what I was doing and none of them has enough log messages for that. This is the goal I tried to achieve with this emulator. You will have a lot of informative messages depending on the verboseness you choose. The verbose level can range from every RAM operations loged to almost nothing.

Quiet Desk

(coming soon)

The emulator is shipped with an advanced debugger permitting the monitoring of what happens in the machine. In addition to having access to the internal of the processor, the debugger provides acces to the other elements of the system to see what is happening on a global scope.


Two modes of operation are provided: one to step between each instruction, and another to step between each clock cycles


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